How To Get Rid Of Carpenter Bees

Many people are wondering how to get rid of carpenter bees. The reason is that these nasty insects can cause damage to properties and take over a large portion of a yard. It is also possible to become allergic to the stings of these bees. There are many non-lethal ways of eliminating them, as well.

how to get rid of carpenter bees


Carpenter bees are most often found in states that experience severe winters. When the winter period is lengthy and severe, carpenter bee infestations can be more widespread. To keep them from being an issue in your area, it is important to take precautionary measures throughout the year. Purchase or construct a trap and immediately hang it over the bee's feeding hole. Hopefully, bees will enter the trap thinking it to be a secure nest and be unable to flee.


A commercial grade insecticide spray can help eliminate these pesky insects. However, there are two main types of active ingredient. One type uses a chemical that reacts with moisture, while another type uses a heat-based ingredient that destroys the carpenter bee nests. Choose the specific pesticide based on the type of nest you have discovered.

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Bees


While you can purchase special shampoos that claim to deter carpenter bees, keep in mind that all insects should be caught in the heat of water. Hot water kills many insects, especially those that are active at night. Therefore, it would be advisable to invest in both an insecticide spray and an insecticide that utilizes hot water for treating your home.

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If you live in a region of the country that experiences a lot of severe weather, you may want to consider using an insecticide to rid yourself of this pest. Unfortunately, because carpenter bees have become more resistant to chemicals over time, there is a possibility of an infestation occurring even during mild winters. If this scenario occurs, make sure to check all wooden decks regularly for possible signs of an infestation. You can also inspect nearby vegetation for signs of carpenter bee holes.

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how to get rid of carpenter bees that have already built their nests in wooden decks is more complicated. If the holes have been dug by worker bees, there are steps you can take to eradicate this type of colony. First, remove any tools or other items that the colony uses for food and shelter. Once you have completely cleared the immediate area, seal off the dirt. For ground nesting, dig six to eight-inch-deep holes in the soil. If you have not found worker bee colonies in the immediate area, you will have to wait for them to start building their nests elsewhere.


Severe carpenter bee infestations will have severe consequences for homeowners. In order to avoid disturbing a colony that is nestled on wooden surfaces, cover exposed areas with waterproof paints or coats. This can help to keep the bees away from wooden surfaces, as unpainted surfaces invite ants and other insects. However, if you must paint over exposed areas, use only non-toxic paints or coatings.


If you decide to repaint an entire house, it's wise to hire professional carpenter bees repairers. Professional carpenters often have the resources to treat larger areas, such as decks or porches. A good approach for how to get rid of carpenter bees involves sealing off the area, covering with insecticide, and then sealing and painting all exposed surfaces. Keep in mind that a thorough cleaning is necessary after treatment to prevent more harm from coming to your home and to your health.


Most female carpenter bees prefer to build their nests near sources of water. You should also take this factor into consideration when determining where to build the nest. If the area has wooded pathways, it is far more likely that the bees will seek out their new home rather than making their nest in sheltered areas. However, if the ground slopes towards the hive, it may serve as an ideal location for a carpenter bee colony.


How to get rid of carpenter bees is usually a multi-step process that starts with sealing off the area, treating with an insecticide, painting, and sealing on all exposed surfaces. First, seal off the area, especially around wooden structures. Ants are attracted to wooden structures and will make their nest right near or right under a wooden object, such as a wooden deck, wooden stairs, or wooden eaves. The area should then be treated with insecticide, as carpenter bees are known to carry deadly stings. After applying the insecticide, spray all exposed surfaces, particularly around wooden doors and windows and patios. The last step is to paint the painted areas white, to keep the bees away.


To prevent carpenter bee infestation, make sure all timber is treated with a termite treatment. Termites eat wood, so treatment is the best way to prevent them from getting into your home. You can also prevent carpenter bees from entering through the use of sturdy, impervious siding. Regular inspection of the siding, especially on decks and porches, will help deter bees.

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